Junior Volunteer Summer Program Interviews Now Being Scheduled
Lawrence Memorial Hospital is accepting applications for its Junior Volunteer Program. The program gives area junior high and high school students an opportunity to experience working in the hospital environment. The program is sponsored by the LMH Auxiliary and is under the direction of the Volunteer Services Department.
Participants must be:
- at least 14 years old
- available to work at least one 3 hour shift a week,
- interested in helping in your community, and
- possibly interested in a health care career
All students interested in becoming LMH Junior Volunteers should make an appointment for a short interview. To set up an interview, please call the Volunteer Services Office at 505-3146.
At the interview, please bring the following items:
- Completed application, including a brief essay about why you wish to be a Junior Volunteer and
- A letter of reference from a teacher or an adult other than a family member.
All new volunteers accepted to the program will need to attend an orientation session. More information about orientation will be provided at the interview.
Returning volunteers need to complete the application and set up an interview, at which we will discuss the area and time you would like to volunteer. Let us know early that you are returning! We give returning volunteers preference of when and where they volunteer.
Being a Junior Volunteer at LawrenceMemorialHospital is a great way to make a difference. Besides learning about the hospital environment, Junior Volunteers find out for themselves the satisfaction that comes from helping others.
If you have questions, contact us (785) 505-3146 or via e-mail at Lauren.Cobb@LMH.org.
Volunteer spaces are limited.
Deadline for applications is May 16.
Junior Volunteer Application Summer 2014
Name: ____________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________
City, ST, Zip: ____________________________________________________
Phone (home) _________________ (cell) ________________
T-shirt size ______
Age: ____ Date of Birth: __________________
E-mail address: _____________________________________________________
Do you check your e-mail regularly? __yes __ no
School in 2014-2015: _________________________________
Grade in 2014-2015: _________ GPA ______
Career Plan: ___________________________________________________
School Interests/Activities: ___________________________________________________
Other Hobbies/Activities: ______________________________________________________
How did you hear about volunteering at LMH?_______________________________________
Other volunteer experience _______________________________________________________
Are you volunteering to fulfill a community service requirement? __yes __ no
If yes, please complete the following:
Name of organization______________________________________________
Number of hours required __________
Required date of completion ___________
Do you have family or friends who work or volunteer at LMH?
__yes __ no
If yes, who?_______________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian: ________________________________________
Relationship: _________________
Phone: (home)__________________ (work) ___________________ (cell) ___________________
Other Emergency Contact: ________________________________
Phone: _____________________
Please indicate which shifts you prefer:
| Mon | Tues | Wed | Thurs | Fri |
Mornings (9 am-12 pm)
| | | | | |
Afternoons (1-4 pm) | | | | | |
Evenings (4-6 pm) | | | | | |
Parental Permission for Volunteering
As the parent/guardian of _______________________, I authorize him/her to participate in volunteer activities at LawrenceMemorialHospital. We release LMH from any claim or liability for an injury or illness resulting to said minor, not occasioned by any fault or neglect on the part of the hospital, while participating in such volunteer activities.
______________________________________ __________________
Parent/guardian signature Date
Parental Permission for TB Testing
I give permission for Lawrence Memorial Hospital to test _____________________________ for TB. I also acknowledge that if my child’s TB test reads positive that a chest X-ray will be required for further diagnosis. There are two options of my choice for chest X-rays (please check your preference):
___ BusinessHealthCenter at LawrenceMemorialHospital free of charge
___ My own personal physician at my own cost
I understand that if my child’s TB test results are positive that does not necessarily mean that my child has contracted tuberculosis and realize that is the reason for the chest X-ray. Regardless of where my child’s chest X-ray is performed or the results of the chest X-ray, I understand that my child will be referred for follow-up at either their primary care physician or at the Lawrence-Douglas County Health Department.
_______________________________ ____________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Confidentiality Statement
Your job may bring you into contact with patient records and information or place you in a position to hear discussions of patient care. Any information you see or hear concerning a patient's diagnosis, condition, treatment, financial or personal status is STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL.
Patients desiring privacy are to be granted privacy. Personnel who discuss the presence of a particular patient in LawrenceMemorialHospital may be violating that right of privacy. For this reason, you are not to discuss, either inside or outside the hospital, or on the internet, the identity or condition of any patient with anyone not directly concerned with their care. You may discuss such information only as part of your assigned duties. Medical information should never be disclosed to anyone.
A breach of these rules violates hospital and medical ethics and could have legal consequences for both you and the hospital. Inquiries from the news media regarding a patient should be directed to the Director of Community Relations or the Hospital Executive Director.
I understand and agree to abide by the above policy. I understand that if I violate the above policy, the Volunteer services Department may discipline me, up to and including asking for my resignation as a volunteer.
______________________________________ ____________
Volunteer Signature Date
Applicant Acknowledgement
Believing that the hospital has real need for my services as a volunteer worker, I will be punctual and conscientious in the fulfillment of my duties and accept supervision graciously. I understand that I am making a commitment of one shift of service per week between June 2 to July 25 to the hospital. Less of a time commitment represents a waste of resources for the hospital, as it does cost money to prepare me for my volunteer assignment.
I will conduct myself with professionalism, responsibility, integrity, dedication and excellence. I will endeavor to make my work of the highest quality and uphold the traditions and standards of this hospital.
The information I have provided is true. I understand that any false statement or material omission will impact my ability to start and/or keep volunteering at LMH. In order to provide the best patient care, I understand that LMH may verify or investigate my background. I give permission to do this.
______________________________ ____________
Volunteer Signature Date
Please write a brief statement about why you wish to be a Junior Volunteer:
Thank you! Please contact Lauren Cobb at
(785)505-3146 or Lauren.Cobb@LMH.org to schedule an interview.
Deadline for applications is May 16.